Welcome to the IBA Investors Club

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If you want to become a PASSIVE INVESTOR, the IBA Investor Club might be for you...

  • embers MUST have a minimum of $50,000 in liquid assets that can be invested.
  • We review EXCLUSIVE opportunities MONTHLY to buy companies.  These meetings are held online.  Meetings are private and available only to group members.
  • We invest ONLY in cash flowing businesses.
  • You do NOT need to be an Accedited Investor be a member.  
  • We do caution anyone making any financial investment.  
  • Never invest more than you are prepared to lose.
  • Membership fees are $500 per month.

What do we do? 

This group gives PASSIVE INVESTORS a perfect way to invest in a smallto medium sized business, and still be involved as an owner.  We are activly buying companies brokering companies, we are constantly on the look out for great opportunities for people to buy a company.  We meet monthly to discuss and analyze buying companies.  We bring these deals together to discuss them as a group.  Interested members can choose to parterner together to acquire the business if they desire.  You choose to partner up or not.  You choose to invest in those companies you believe in.  

Who is this group for?

This group is for those who have "a little cash" stuck away and you are considering being an investor in a small business.  You may even want to be a business owner, but you likely aren't ready to be involved in every part of the business. This gives you an opportunity to discuss business deals, consult on ways to grow the business, direct the company, and possibly partner up with other people to buy small companies, putting your capital to work and getting a good return.

Become an IBA Investor Club member now

only $500 per month for exclusive opportunities!

What do we do? 

This group gives PASSIVE INVESTORS a perfect way to invest in a smallto medium sized business, and still be involved as an owner.  We are activly buying companies brokering companies, we are constantly on the look out for great opportunities for people to buy a company.  We meet monthly to discuss and analyze buying companies.  We bring these deals together to discuss them as a group.  Interested members can choose to parterner together to acquire the business if they desire.  You choose to partner up or not.  You choose to invest in those companies you believe in.  

Who is this group for?

This group is for those who have "a little cash" stuck away and you are considering being an investor in a small business.  You may even want to be a business owner, but you likely aren't ready to be involved in every part of the business. This gives you an opportunity to discuss business deals, consult on ways to grow the business, direct the company, and possibly partner up with other people to buy small companies, putting your capital to work and getting a good return.

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We’re looking for awesome people to work with.
