Frustrated with building your company alone?

We have 30+ tools to help! 
(You aren't alone. Partner with us. We've done the hard work for you.)

FREE  - Limited Time Offer

IBA United Business Advisor Application

First Name *
Last Name
Phone *
Email *
You must agree to all of the following to become an IBA United Business Advisor:
I am interested in...
Everything below here will be used to list you on the IBA Website under your unique Advisor page.
City *
State *
Company Name *
Company website URL starting with http://
Facebook profile link (Optional, but we need this if you join IBA, so might as well get it now.)
LinkedIn profile link (Optional, but we need this if you join IBA, so might as well get it now.)
Calender link, or Calendly link (for optional bonus points)
Industry experience, Certifications, Titles, Roles. *
Business Bio. Keep it to a relatively short 1 to 3 paragraphs. *
1 paragraph, write something personal about yourself and your goals with IBA *
Intro video link (optional... but you get bonus points for this too)
Anything else you want to share? (optional)

Building with IBAUnited is easier.

The Process to become an IBA United Advisor is easy.

  1. 1
    Keep and maintain your company. You keep 100% of your profits. IBA United is an association, not a partnership or franchise.
  2. 2
    Fill out the application below. Not everyone qualifies. 
  3. 3
    We call you  within 48 hours to complete your first interview. We want to make sure this is a good fit for all parties.
  4. 4
    We ask averyone to pray about this, especially with your spouse. Nothing is more important than God's approval.
  5. 5
    Get accepted as a new member with IBA United. Not everyone who applies is accepted. 

Building with IBAUnited is better.

IBA United provides the following for our Advisors:

  • mentors
  • advisor training,
  • 30+ tools, forms, and other resources
  • nationwide association of advisors
  • an online presence with your own advisors page
  • the 5by5 Business System
  • online courses
  • business calculators
  • business white papers to promote your business
  • business infographics to promote your business
  • Sample documents
  • marketing resources
  • a CERTIFIED training program for business advisors
  • a growing Association of Independent Business Advisors, united with a God driven purpose
  • a company focused on creating valuable support tools to help you grow your business!

How to become an
IBA United Business Advisor

IBA United has 2 levels of Advisors.  The IBA Business Advisor (IBA), and the IBA Certified Business Advisor (CBA). 

Business Advisor

Better Systems for Better Business.




  • Complete Initial interview
  • Be approved to join IBA United 
  • Agree to our terms of service
  • Sign the Higher Ethical Standards Agreement
  • Receive your Advisor mentor
  • Complimentary accesss to all IBA courses
  • Start the necessary education courses
  • Attend required ongoing education 
  • Maintain your membership in IBA United

FREE for a limited time

Business Advisor

Systems PLUS proven experience




  • Complete the necessary education courses
  • Pass all education examinations
  • Communicate proficiency in the 5by5 Business System with your mentor
  • Complete at least 2 business transfers, showing real world experience
  • Be approved by your IBA Mentor
  • Maintain your membership in IBA United
  • Receive a HUGE 40% membership discount!

FREE for a limited time

State Business Broker Licensing

For advisors who also operate as business brokers, here is a list of the current states that require a license to operate as a broker. An IBA Advisor can still operate as an advisor in a business sale or acquisition in these states, however they cannot operate as a direct intermediary in a business purchase unless they also have the required state license.

  • Alaska
  • Arizona
  • California
  • Colorado
  • Florida
  • Georgia
  • Idaho
  • Illinois (requires registration with the state securities commission)
  • Minnesota
  • Nebraska
  • Nevada
  • Oregon
  • South Dakota
  • Utah
  • Washington
  • Wisconsin
  • Wyoming